Friday 18 October 2024

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     Just wanted to say a huge thank you for your help organising our cars for our event. Special thanks to all your drivers as well who were extremely helpful, and professional and courteous at all times.

Positano Transfers and Tours

The story of Positano and 'very old. Certain information is already 'prehistoric finds in a cave in the village of Riverside. The carbon dating carried out on the remains of a meal of venison, set out an 'age of about 11,000 years, that shortly after the last ice age. Nothing is known about the precise period of the "Magna Grecia", but already its name from 'strong indications, in fact, "Positano" almost certainly derives from "Poseidon", Hellenic deity master of the sea. An ancient and illustrious Positano, the Montuori, he wanted to derive the name of the country from the words spoken by Our Lady, according to ancient legend. The Montuori also claimed that the place was called by some broom or Aude, because these plants will abounded. In reality 'has always had the name of Positano and only in the sixteenth century. were added to those of these plants that flourished and still flourishes.

The story of Positano is long, full of suggestions: the Emperor Tiberius moved to Capri in Rome because he was hated and did not trust anyone, he was afraid that everyone wanted to poison him, he did not want bread made with the flour of the place, but the took from a mill in Positano, mill which is still standing and and ran until a short time ago (Piazza Mills). Positano in sec. IX, X, XI was part of the Republic of Amalfi.

In sec. X was one of the most important trading centers, even in competition with Venice. Not having port, its ships were pulled by hand by the population. Around 1400 Positano heard the news that one of its nationals had a great invention: the compass. It was Flavio Gioia, a famous mathematician and helmsman. At first he did not give much importance to the fact but there was a lot of data in the following centuries. Around the year 1530 the entire coast was invaded by the plague, the death rate was high, especially in Positano, Conca, Ravello, Scala. To these evils were joined by famine, bandits coming down from the mountains all the time, plundering countries. Nor lacked Turkish raids, so the Viceroy Pietro di Toledo ordered that every town or village costruisse of the towers from which warn potential dangers coming from the sea. Positano he built several, but the most important were: that the Riverside, in another place called Trasita (so named because there were always plenty of birds. The tower was renovated in 1950 without, however, having undergone big changes compared to his style original), the third in the denominated place Fornillo.

The Turks continued to make raids, in fact Suleiman II, Emperor turkish 150 ships arrived with our gulfs, sacked and burned many cities including even Positano. In addition to the Turkish raids across the coastal village suffered also the mismanagement of ministers and barons authorizing their feuds all sorts of persecution and put taxes on anything.

It was the time when the people began to make their voices heard, it was the time when the famous Neapolitan fisherman Tommaso D'Aniello, the head of a popular uprising in the city partenopea.Nel 1668 Positano disbursed 12,943 ducats to redeem themselves from feudal and weight declared "royal city", he then opened the maritime trade with Greece, the island of Cyprus, the one with the reactivated Apulia and Calabria, becoming superior to other countries traders who were then on the market.

Ships Positano, galleons, Feluccas, Polish came everywhere; fiddling with the neighboring Middle East, seti brought spices and precious woods so sought after in the West. It was then that they were built the magnificent baroque houses that stand against the mountain, decorated with the best of what he found in the world.

Until about a century ago, a tragedy befell Positano: the vapors were beginning to face the ocean; Positano not being able to race with them began to decay. At that time the village had eight thousand inhabitants. In the decade between 1860 and 1870, about six thousand people emigrated to America, the houses were empty, the walls crumbled, the paintings are discolored, the roofs fell. Since then, the population does not exceed three thousand inhabitants. Positano is a major tourist destination: tourism is the main resource of the country. Now his reputation is such that it has made him known throughout the world.




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